The whole family traveled to Michigan this year to watch Greg Butauski win double golds in both the Individual and Team Ice Sculpting competitions!
The events took place on February 6-7 in St. Joseph, Michigan. The first day Greg sculpted “Peace and Love.” This was a beautiful 1 block sculpture that took First place and scored a Gold medal in the Individual Event.

Second day was the grueling 8 block/8 hour team event. The sculpture, “Everybody Walk Your Dinosaur” was a giant T-Rex being lead on a leash by a little girl. Greg and teammate, Dean Murray, began the day with not so great weather conditions. Temps got up in the 40’s with sun beating down all day on the sculpture. They used UV-resistant tarps to block out the sun.
The final two minutes were nerve-racking to say the least. This photo was taken with the judge standing by counting down the last seconds. Greg and Dean rushed to get the ice leash to freeze to the dinosaur’s collar.

The crowd cheered as they got the leash to freeze to the little girl’s hand and the judge called time! What an exciting end to a long day.
Here is the final sculpture which took First place and scored another Gold in the Team event! Next up is the Crystal Classic Winter Festival in Green River Wyoming.
